Category: Latest news

New Exmoor coastal path

New Exmoor coastal path

In mid-July the Exmoor section of the King Charles III England Coast Path was officially unveiled. This new national coast path spans the entire coastline of England, linking existing coast paths to create a new continuous route with improved public…

Summer 2024

Things to do when staying at Mornacott

Things to do when staying at Mornacott

Welcome to Mornacott, a hiddgen gem nestled within a conservation site on the southern edge of Exmoor National Park, just a short drive from the spectacular North Devon coastline. Whether you’re seeking relaxation or adventure, Mornacott offers plenty of things to…

Summer 2024

Mornacott’s eco-credentials part 2: day-to-day initiatives

Mornacott’s eco-credentials part 2: day-to-day initiatives

At Mornacott being sustainable and making a positive environmental impact are at the heart of everything we do. We’re proud that our cottages and farmhouse are located within a conservation site. They are a testament to our dedication to preserving…

Summer 2024

Mornacott’s eco-credentials part 1: Refurbishing the farmhouse

Mornacott’s eco-credentials part 1: Refurbishing the farmhouse

At Mornacott, we are incredibly proud that our farm and cottages sit within a conservation site. The broader Mornacott estate is part of a long-term vision for land regeneration, aimed at enhancing biodiversity and promoting the health of the land. …

Summer 2024